Dinesh D'Souza's New Book, Stealing America, is a Good Read
By way of introduction, Dinesh D'Souza provides a disclaimer to the readers, stating that, "[t]he language spoken in the confinement center is extremely course...Out of respect for the reader, I've scaled it way back and used asterisks to bowdlerize the most offensive words." This may or may not prevent you from reading the book.
The following review points out some of the highlights of his book.
D'Souza explains the circumstances that led to his crime. Very simply, he asked two friends to donate money to a friend's campaign, someone he knew well from his Dartmouth days, and he re-imbursed them. That is a violation of the Federal Election laws. Usually, this kind of infraction results in a fine, but the Obama Administration was seeking prison time; no one had ever received a prison sentence for this type of violation. D'Souza brieftly mentions the U.S. v. Christopher Tigani case as a contrast to his case. In the Tigani case, corruption was involved and Tigani was seeking legislative intervention to help his family's liquor business. D'Souza was not buying influence.
Although D'Souza avoided prison, his joy was short lived as he had to spend time in a confinement center/halfway house full of hardened criminals trying to transition into society. In the confinement center, D'Souza meets a number of convicts, most of whom are not remorseful for their crimes. What he learns from these men is that every crime is about theft, whether it is taking a life or taking property. And, he says, "[t]his book is about a remarkable scheme to steal America." He quotes Machiavelli a lot throughout this book, which is appropriate, and Shakespeare as well, which at times strikes the reader as pretentious.
He begins by explaining that the Founding Fathers established an anti-theft society by limiting government through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Some people don't like this America and have sought to undermine her.
He mentions three culprits: Saul Alinsky; Barack Obama; and Hillary Clinton. He describes Alinsky as a "shakedown artist" who used mobs and the mantra of "social justice" to get private and public institutions to cave on his demands.
"For Alinsky, politics is the art of intimidation from the outside. This is
basically what a community organizer does. Alinsky himself explains. A
community organizer must first identify the target, which may be a local
business, a national retail chain, a public school system, even the mayor's
office. The target must have resources, or money, or jobs to hand out.
Extracting those benefits without working for them now becomes the
organizer's mission."
Allies are necessary and Alinsky recruited, unions, disgruntled workers, sixties leftists, activist clergy, homeless people, gang members, and professional malcontents. Both Obama and Clinton are disciples of Alinsky. Obama was a "community organizer" in Chicago and Clinton wrote her Wellesley College thesis on him. Both these students surpassed their teacher. While Alinsky worked outside the government; Obama and Clinton realized you could "turn the government itself into a con operation."
D'Souza explains how this is done and focuses on the "greed" mantra that is peddled to the American people by liberal politicians and Hollywood. However, D'Souza points outs that "envy" is never mentioned in modern culture. He distinguishes between jealously and envy; "while jealousy covets something that is ours by right, envy covets something to which we have no right whatsoever." So, "the envious man is a thief because he seeks, without deserving it, what someone else legitimately possesses."
D'Souza proposes a four-part plan to "crack the con" Simply put, he states, "we have to:
recognize the con;
publicize the con;
get the con out of the Capital and Whitel House; and
reaffirm America as the anti-theft society.
The book is an interesting read and articulates well what many people may be thinking, but were unable to express.