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Tom Fitton  

     On October 20th, members and guest of the the Conservative Caucus gathered at Harry's Savoy Ballroom to welcome Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch. Much of what Judicial Watch does is investigate and prosecute government corruption. Fitton focused his talk on their investigative work into election integrity issues, ad also spoke about how the government is trampling on the rights and freedoms of U.S. citizens.

     The assault by the Left was manifesting itself in the censorship of youth, lawfare against Trump, and the effort to jail him - something that has never been seen before in American history. Critical Race Theory, DEI, and the woke agenda are infecting the body politic. And open borders have resulted in an invasion, and what is possibility the largest human trafficking operation on the history of the world, including the trafficking of children.

Delawareans Honored  

     This year’s Annual Dinner was a Special Awards Dinner celebrating notable Delawareans who have demonstrated conservative leadership, advanced the conservative vision of individual liberty and limited government, and are outstanding examples of patriotism, integrity, and courage of conviction.

     These individuals bring many and varied talents and accomplishments that form the rich tapestry of achievement that is the Conservative Movement.

     One of the Honorees said, "Working for our Republic takes many forms, the most important, at present, is ensuring election integrity. If we don't have the infrastructure in place to ensure free and fair elections, we will become captive to organized forces that do not care about democracy."

Kash Patel 

     On October 16th, members and guests of the Conservative Caucus gathered at Harry's Savoy Ballroom to welcome Kash Patel, former Chief of Staff to the department of Defense, former Deputy Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Counter-terrorism on the national Security Council. He also hosts a weekly talk show, Kash's Corner on Epoch TV.

     His talk focused on his national security experience during Pres. Trump's Administration. The core mission of the Trump Administration was America First and it was not a difficult mission to accomplish, i.e. secure the border, interdict terrorist leaders, and shut down their operations.  It was not a political mission, but the Establishment politicized it because Trump was doing it.  

     The Trump Administration successfully eliminated 99% of Al Qa'ida and ISIS Leadership.

Matt Walsh 

     For the 26th Annual Dinner, Matt Walsh of the Matt Walsh Show on the Daily Wire gave a well-received and electrifying talk at the Caucus Annual Dinner on Sunday, October 24, 2021.  As per usual, Walsh proved adept at addressing hot button issues which the Left often frames in the parameters of compassion.

     Walsh acknowledged the importance of the Second Amendment and limited taxes, but pointed out that today’s radicals are actually engaged in a direct assault on Truth and Reality.  We must confront the depraved, anti-truth agenda of the Left. According to Walsh, never before has there been such a war on Truth and Reality in the United States as there is now, and that the war is focused on three primary areas: life, marriage, and gender. 

Mollie Hemingway

     On October 18, 2020, a coronavirus pandemic notwithstanding, the Caucus scheduled its annual dinner (no. 25) at the usual time (a Sunday afternoon) in October.  The event took place in the Harry Savoy ballroom, with all health-related requirements (e.g., crowd dispersion and mask-wearing) observed.  What fun to get out for an in-person social event for a change, and no ill effects were reported afterwards. 

     Our guest speaker was Mollie Hemingway, a senior editor at the Federalist and Fox News contributor. She was the latest in a series of distinguished speakers.  Mollie was then joined by her husband, Mark Hemingway (also a conservative journalist) at the lectern and a free flowing Question  & Answer session ensued,

James O'Keefe

     In his after-dinner speech at our 24th Annual Banquet on October 20, 2019 James O’Keefe identified himself as an investigative journalist and asked the audience whether they trusted the media. As one might have expected at a time when traditional journalism seems to be on the decline, no hands went up.  

     Using slides to provide enhanced impact, the founder and president of Project Veritas shared some  highlights of his career to date.  The first adventure, which he characterized as “a good old fashioned sting,” began after O’Keefe was contacted by a former employee (Hannah Giles) of the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN). 

Ramesh Ponnuru

     In an increasingly contentious political climate, with the midterm elections only 23 days away, Ramesh Ponnuru gave a timely talk about “Conservative Opportunities” at our Annual Banquet on October 14.  A senior editor for National Review, contributor to CBS News, and visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, he has written for many top tier publications and appeared on numerous TV news shows.

     Mr. Ponnuru began by reminding the audience that he had broken bread with the Conservative Caucus of Delaware before, most recently in October 2013 when he introduced Justice Antonin Scalia. He characterized the members of our organization as a “hardy bunch,” in that would-be conservators of traditional values in this country face many challenges.

Nigel Farage

     On October 15, 2017, the Conservative Caucus of Delaware held its 22nd Annual Dinner at Harry's Savoy Ballroom.  It featured good company, good food, and a riveting speaker. Nigel Farage is the former head of the United Kingdom Independence party, which demanded and won the 2016 referendum on whether the U.K. should withdraw from the European Union. 

     Farage does not consider himself a career politician. To the contrary, he had a "proper job" in the securities industry for two decades before entering politics.

     Since his success on the "Brexit" vote, he has been in demand as an advocate for anti-globalist movement in various countries, including the U.S. where he has become a Fox News contributor.

Byron York 

     On October 18, 2015,  members and guests of the Conservative Caucus of Delaware gathered in Harry's Savoy Ballroom for our 20th Annual Banquet. Attendees were treated to a first rate talk by Byron York, a seasoned and talented observer of U.S. politics.

     Since 2009, Mr. York has been the Chief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner. His previous  experience included nine years as a White House correspondent for National Review, and four years as an Investigative Reporter for the American Spectator during the Clinton era. He has written extensively, including a 2005 book on The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, and appeared on numerous television news shows.

Lew Bryson

     On April 30, 2015, the Caucus held a Whiskey Tasting Event, featuring Whiskey Expert, Lew Bryson, the talk included discussion about the history of the drink and attendees tasted 4 whiskeys and 2 bourbans accompanied by small plate entrees.  

     Mr. Bryson has written several books on the topic of beer and recently wrote, Whiskey Tasting. He maintains three blogs: Seen Through a Glass; Why the PLCB Should be Abolished; and The Session Beer Project.    

David Freddoso

     On October 12, 2014, the Caucus held its 19th Annual Dinner, featuring David Freddosso, a rising D.C. journalist and best selling author as the guest speaker. He began his career in 2002, and is currently contributing editor for the Washington Examiner.  

     If 90 percent of the people in the news room all feel the same way about a given candidate or issue, the corrective effect of informal exchanges between reporters, competing for stories, and their editors tend to break down.  The problem is that they only seem to do journalism when they are covering conservatives.  

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